Monday, January 28, 2008

Winter Blues

Every year I struggle with depression during the winter months. This year has been better but still difficult at times. Things that have helped me deal with things easier have been exercise (at least 20 - 40 minutes per day, even just walking helps), cutting back on sugary foods or carbohydrates, eating more high-protein foods, like low-fat cheese, fat-free, sugar-free yogurt, and also lots of fruits and veges. I do recommended Progresso soups that have 0 points on the Weight Watchers plan as they are very filling and have very few calories. I am down about 40 pounds so far and just these changes have tremendously helped my mood. The main thing is just keeping active. If I start feeling down, I make myself get on the treadmill, even 15 minutes helps bring up my mood.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if you suffer from winter blues you can supplement with Vitamin D, B Vitamins, Chromium, Zinc, Rhodiola Rosea, Taurine, St. John's Wort. All of those nutrients you can find in a serving of MoodBoost Drink. It really helped me with my Winter Blues / SAD (seasonal affective disorder) .